
Frédéric Bakhach-Lord to step down as Sporting Director later this summer


It is the end of a chapter at Soccer Pointe-Claire. By his own accord and in collaboration with the Executive Committee, Frédéric Bakhach-Lord will step down from his position of Sporting Director later this summer.

“After 12 years at the club, and almost the last 4 in charge of the Technical Team, it is now time to pass the torch”, said Frédéric Bakhach-Lord. “The club is ready to reach new heights and it is the right moment to make this change. I am very proud of what we have accomplished in terms of stabilization and evolution of the club on the sporting side, and of the solid structure that is currently in place. I must thank our remarkable technical team, without whom this progress would not have been possible and whose contribution is vital to reach our future objectives. I also want to thank the Governors who were able to establish a vision and strategy for the club and who supported me in implementing this vision. Finally, thank you to our Director General, Lisa, who has been a very close ally since the beginning. I will be leaving with a profound sense of accomplishment, having left a lasting legacy.”

Frédéric will be continuing in his position until his successor is hired. He will play a big role in the recruitment process and will guide the person when they will be starting, in order to ensure a harmonious and efficient transition.

“Fred has been an ambassador of this club for many years”, said Soccer Pointe-Claire President Jonathan Markiewicz.  “We have a passionate membership that wants to play Soccer for Life, and Fred’s contributions extended from our U4s to our Seniors.  His commitment to Soccer Pointe-Claire has been a driving factor through the Soccer Canada Licensing process and his desire to see young players develop will be his legacy.”

Frédéric joined the club as a player in 2009, before starting as a coach the following year. He has coached at every level from U9 to Senior, and he led teams at the AAA level during 6 seasons. In parallel, he has accompanied many categories and teams as a member of the Technical Team. His mandate as Sporting Director started in January 2018, and he has guided the sporting side of the club through the changes emanating from the CSA’s Club Licensing Program which kicked off in 2019.




    You will be missed Fred! All the best

  2. Jacques Lamontagne

    Un gros merci Fred et bonne chance dans tes futurs projets. Ce fut un vrai plaisir de travailler avec toi.

  3. Chris Olive

    It has been a genuine pleasure working with such a professional educator.

  4. mauro degano

    thank you.

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