Prior to the start of an activity
All refund requests received prior to the start of an activity will be accepted, however, please note that the Club Affiliation fees of $31.70 are non-refundable. Other fees will be 100% refunded.
During the first two weeks of an activity
All refund requests received during the first two weeks of an activity will be accepted. Unless the request is due to medical reasons or relocation, 50% of the activity fee will be refunded. The entire $76 Affiliation fees are non-refundable once the activity has started. For medical reasons or relocation, see details for pro-rated refund in the next section.
Two weeks or more after the start of an activity
Two weeks or more after the start of an activity, refunds are accepted only for medical reasons or relocation. A physician’s note or proof of moving must be submitted with the refund request. Two weeks or more after an activity has started all approved refund requests will be pro-rated based on the activity length and when a valid request form was received. The proration will be calculated as of the date of receipt of the refund form. The entire $76 Affiliation fees are non-refundable once the activity has started.
Micro U4 to U8 (does not include U7/U8 Pre-CDC)
Refunds are accepted at all times and are prorated based on the activity length and when a valid refund request was received. No physician’s note or proof of moving is required. The entire $76 Affiliation fees are non-refundable once the activity has started.
All refund requests must be submitted in writing, using the Soccer Pointe-Claire refund request form. Any other request will not be considered.
Loaned uniforms must be returned prior to the refund.
For competitive categories, if a player is not offered a position on the team they were trying out for, a full refund (Affiliation and Activity fees) will be issued. If a player chooses to play at a different level, Soccer Pointe-Claire will refund the difference.
Winter programs
- All refund requests received prior to the start of an activity will be accepted, however, please note that the Club Affiliation fees of $31.70 are non-refundable. For players who paid their affiliation fees in the summer, a $25 processing fee is charged for winter refunds.
- All refund requests received during the first two weeks of an activity will be accepted. 50% of the activity fee will be refunded. The entire $76 Affiliation fees are non-refundable once the activity has started. For medical or relocation reason see next point concerning prorated refunds.
- Two weeks or more after the start of an activity, refunds are accepted for medical reasons or relocation ONLY. A physician’s note or proof of moving must be submitted with the refund request. Two weeks or more after an activity has started all approved refund requests will be pro-rated based on the activity length and when a valid request form was received. The proration will be calculated as of the date of receipt of the refund form. The entire $76 Affiliation fees are non-refundable once the activity has started. For players who paid their affiliation fees in the summer, a $25 processing fee is charged for winter refunds.
Summer Camp
- Refund requests for registered camp participants received up until Friday 4pm the week prior to the start of camp, are refunded 100% of the registration fee, minus a $25 processing fee.
- Refund requests for registered participants received between Friday 4pm the week prior to the start of camp and Friday 4pm on the last day of camp, and who did not attend camp at all, are refunded 50% of the registration fee. There are no refunds for missed days and no refund requests are accepted after 4pm on the the last day of camp.
- Refund requests for registered camp participants due to an injury or other medical reason are prorated based on the number of days of camp that were attended. A medical note is required.
Policy reviewed on January 21, 2025.