All players of all categories, except U4 to U8 and Special Project (who receive their uniform from the Club) and F25+ Novice/Instructional (who do not require a uniform), have to order their uniforms online directly with Sports Experts, our uniform supplier. Details.
Which categories or teams need to order their uniform online?
ALL categories and teams, EXCEPT for players U4 to U8 as well as Special Project and F25+ Novice/Instructional, must order their uniforms online with Sports Experts.
This includes the following:
- CDC U9-U12
- Youth Competitive (LDR/LDIR/LDP)
- Youth Recreational (House League/InterClub)
- Senior Competitive
- Senior Recreational
- Senior House League
- Logs Players must consult with their captains to get their numbers and to ensure they order the correct jersey.
- Champagne players must consult with their captains to get their numbers and to ensure they order the correct jersey.
- Loogs players:
- Returning players have the option to continue wearing their Red/White INARIA jerseys or order the PUMA Red/White jersey set. No older or different jerseys are permitted other than the INARIA jerseys.
- New players must order the PUMA Red/White jersey set.
- O45M 9v9 players:
- Returning players have the option to continue wearing their Red/White INARIA jerseys or order the PUMA Red/White jersey set. No older or different jerseys are permitted other than the INARIA jerseys.
- New players must order the PUMA Red/White jersey set.
- Women’s 7v7 Rec players:
- Returning players have the option to continue wearing their Red/White INARIA jerseys or order the PUMA Red/White jersey set. No older or different jerseys are permitted other than the INARIA jerseys.
- New players must order the PUMA Red/White jersey set.
- Women’s Novice (instructional) players:
- Jerseys are not mandatory.
What is the link to the Sports Experts online store and when does it go live?
The online boutique will be open on January 25, 2025 – Click here
Can we try on the uniforms before placing our order?
Sports Experts COTE VERTU will have samples available for members to try on during regular store hours, on the following dates (for 2025):
First session:
– Thursday January 30
– Friday January 31
– Saturday February 1
– Sunday February 2
– Thursday February 6
– Friday February 7
– Saturday February 8
– Sunday February 9
Second session:
– Thursday March 6
– Friday March 7
– Saturday March 8
– Sunday March 9
– Thursday March 13
– Friday March 14
– Saturday March 15
– Sunday March 16
By when do I have to order my uniform in order to receive it on time for the season?
Order and delivering windows for 2025:
The online boutique will be open on Saturday January 25, 2025
- LDP: Orders placed by February 28 will be ready by March 31 for in-store pick up or delivery (as selected by the member when ordering). Note: Do not select uniform Pick-up at Terra-Cotta on May 3/4 as you need your uniform before that!
- CDC, Youth Comp, Senior Comp, Senior Rec, Senior House League (including Logs and Champagne): Orders placed by March 31 will be ready by April 30 for delivery OR for in-store pick-up OR for pick up at Terra-Cotta Saturday and Sunday May 3 and 4 (as selected by the member when ordering).
- Youth Rec: Orders placed by April 15th will be ready by May 15th for in-store pick up or for delivery (as selected by the member when ordering).
Note: All orders placed outside of their respective ordering windows will be ready in 2 to 4 weeks from the order date.
If Sports Experts foresees possible delays to your specific order, you will be contacted by a member of their team by email. Please do not email Soccer Pointe-Claire nor call the store directly. Should there be any questions about your order, please email their team and corporate division at support@qsmgroup.ca and they will answer you as soon as possible.
Do I have to enter a jersey number when I place my order online? How do I get my number?
Orders cannot be placed without first obtaining your jersey # from either your Coach or the Club.
- When placing a uniform order online, all players will need to enter their jersey number.
- Youth Competitive, Senior Competitive, Senior Recreational, LOGS and Champagne players need to get their jersey number from their coach/captain/manager.
- Youth Recreational (House League/InterClub) will receive their number from our Youth Recreational Coordinator after they register.
- If you are a Youth Recreational returning player who received your number last year, but did not get a uniform (either you did not order one or you cancelled your order before receiving it), please contact Catherine at youthrecreational@soccerpointeclaire.com.
- CDC and Senior House League (Loogs, O45M 9v9, O45M 7v7 Rec, F25+ Novice, F25+ Rec) players will get their number from the office staff after they register.
- Once you have been assigned a number, even for future orders, you must always use the same number.
- Once an order is placed, if you ordered the incorrect number, the error cannot be corrected.
- Numbers 1 and 00 will be reserved for goalkeepers.
What is the supplier’s return policy?
All items are made to order, even those without a logo, Sports Experts does not accept refund or exchange requests. Please consult the sizing charts available in the online store or attend one of the sizing sessions to ensure correct sizing.
Whom should I contact if there is an error with my order or I have a question regarding my order?
You should directly email Sports Experts Customer Service at support@qsmgroup.ca, provide your order # and details relating to your issue.
How often will I need to buy a new uniform?
The current jersey for CDC, Youth Competitive, Youth Recreational, Senior Competitive and Senior Recreational, will be used for 3 years (2024, 2025, 2026). Most likely the jerseys will continue on a 3-year cycle after that due to the manufacturer uniform cycle as well as our sponsors. If you are young and growing, you can buy a little bigger if you want the uniform to last you for more than 1 season within that 3 years or you can buy your perfect size, and reorder as needed.
As long as we stay with the same uniform supplier, the jerseys for Logs, Champagne, Loogs, and all other Senior House League programs, will be used for several years to come although the model may change slightly as manufacturers go through cycles with their models.
With a view to sustainable development, reducing over-consumption and keeping textile fibers out of landfills, would it be possible to keep the same uniforms for more than 3 years?
On our end, a change of supplier or change of uniform model is never taken lightly and many things are taken into consideration. Nor is there ever a good time to ever change supplier as there will always be that player or that family who just purchased their uniform. In 2021 when we switched to Inaria, we were very clear that the jerseys were for 3 years. This was also indicated on our website in our Uniform FAQs, we were very transparent about it. We knew that even if we had not changed supplier, the jersey model very likely would have changed after 3 years. That said, we were unhappy with the service provided by Inaria so as we did in 2021, we again went through the 3-4 months RFQ process to find a new vendor. Now, for 2024-2026 we have a new uniform supplier, a new model and additional sponsors on our jerseys.
For 2027, we hope to be able to renew our contract with Sports Experts as our uniform supplier for another 3 years (and another 3 after that and so on), but that does not change the fact that even if we stay with Sports Experts and Puma, we likely will still change uniforms every 3 years. In addition to uniform vendor, there are other factors such as sponsor contracts and manufacturer uniform model cycles that need to be taken into account when talking about changing models. Most uniform manufacturers have cycles for their models, which means they stop producing models after a few years. Most have 2-3 year cycles and this makes keeping the same jerseys for an extended period of times impossible, unless we switch to high end customized jerseys. Also, our jersey sponsor contracts are for 3 year terms, so if a sponsor does not renew or we get a new sponsor, we have to change uniforms. For these reasons, many other clubs buy uniforms for all members every year, from a Club perspective that would be the easiest way for us manage all the variables, increase everyone’s registration by $100 and buy new uniforms every year, but we choose not to do that as we know the impact that has on the environment and the landfills. The current process at least allows uniform to be re-used for 3 years when they are purchased in year 1 of the cycle.
I’m not registered yet. Can I still go online to purchase my uniform?
Yes. If you are certain that you are playing, but simply have not registered yet, you can still order your uniform online.
My child plays Youth Recreational (House League/InterClub). How do I know what color uniform to order?
All Youth Recreational players order the same package. The package includes 2 jerseys, one red and one white. Having all Youth Recreational players with the same jerseys will prevent problems when rostering players to different teams and allow re-use of the jerseys for more than one season.
My daughter is in the U11 CDC group and likes to play goalkeeper. Do I have to buy a player jersey? Do I have to buy both a player jersey and a goalkeeper jersey?
There are no set goalkeepers in the U9 to U12 CDC groups; it is still a rotation at this age. All players must purchase a player jersey. Goalkeeper jerseys will be provided by the Club to the CDC groups. Of course, if a player wants to purchase a goalkeeper jersey in addition to a player jersey, they can, and we recommend they order it with the same number as is assigned to them for their player jersey.
My son is trying out for one of the Youth Competitive teams (U13 to U18). Should I order his uniform now just in case he is selected for the team?
No. A player should wait until they are officially selected for a team before purchasing their uniform online.
My daughter plays Youth Competitive (U13 to U18) and is a goalkeeper. Does she have to buy the goalkeeper jersey online?
Yes. All Pointe-Claire Competitive teams (U13 to Senior) will be using the same goalkeeper jersey and all goalkeepers are responsible for ordering their kit online.
I am a goalkeeper and play Senior Competitive (formerly Metro Competitive). Do I have to buy the goalkeeper jersey online?
Yes. All Pointe-Claire Competitive teams (U13 to Senior) will be using the same goalkeeper jersey and all goalkeepers are responsible for ordering their kit online.
My Senior Competitive team is not sure yet if we will be participating this summer. Should I go ahead and purchase my uniform?
No. We would suggest waiting until your team has committed to participating in the league before ordering your uniform.
I am trying out for one of the Senior Competitive teams. Should I order my uniform now just in case I am selected for the team?
No. A player should wait until they are officially selected for a team before purchasing their uniform online.
Can orders be shipped in bulk to the Club instead of shipped to individual players’ houses?
No. Players can either have their orders delivered to their home or select for pick up at the store.
Loogs 11v11, O45M 9v9 and F25+ 7v7 are recreational leagues. Why can’t we just use red and white jerseys we already own?
- Loogs players:
- Returning players have the option to continue wearing their Red/White INARIA jerseys or order the PUMA Red/White jersey set with the same number. No older or different jerseys are permitted other than the INARIA jerseys.
- New players must order the PUMA Red/White jersey set with the number provided by the Club.
- O45M 9v9 players:
- Returning players have the option to continue wearing their Red/White INARIA jerseys or order the PUMA Red/White jersey set with the same number. No older or different jerseys are permitted other than the INARIA jerseys.
- New players must order the PUMA Red/White jersey set with the number provided by the Club.
- Women’s 7v7 Rec players:
- Returning players have the option to continue wearing their Red/White INARIA jerseys or order the PUMA Red/White jersey set with the same number. No older or different jerseys are permitted other than the INARIA jerseys.
- New players must order the PUMA Red/White jersey set with the number provided by the Club.
- Women’s Novice (instructional) players:
- Puma jerseys are not mandatory.
Why aren’t the red and white jerseys used for Loogs and other Senior House League programs also being used for Logs and Champagne?
Each LOGS and Champagne team was given the following options and made their own decision:
- Switch to the new Puma jerseys in the specific color assigned them (we tried to match the current color as much possible).
- Switch to the new Puma jerseys, but go to red/white.
- Using their own uniform provider.
Will teams be receiving any spare jerseys?
Yes. Youth Competitive, Senior Competitive and Senior Recreational teams will each receive spare jerseys. These jerseys are for 3 years and will not be replaced by the club should they be lost or damaged. Logs and Champagne teams will also each receive spare jerseys, these jerseys are for as long as the jerseys stay the same and will not be replaced by the club should they be lost or damaged. CDC groups as well as Youth Recreational teams will not be receiving any spare jerseys.
I am a coach. Do I need to purchase my own polo?
The club will provide 1 polo to each coach each year. Should a coach like to have an additional polo, they will be available for purchase in the online store.