
Youth Recreational U9-U18 2021 start date

As part of our progressive start for recreational teams, we are pleased to announce that our Youth Recreational programs (formerly House League) will be starting practices the week of June 7!


Category Sex Day Time Field
U10 (2011/2012) Boys Tuesday 7:15pm Ovide
Girls Tuesday 6:00pm Ovide
U12 (2009/2010) Boys Monday 7:15pm Ovide
Girls Monday 6:00pm Ovide
U14 (2007/2008) Boys Wednesday 6:00pm Lindsay Lower
Girls Thursday 6:00pm Lindsay Lower
U16 (2005/2006) Boys Thursday 7:15pm Lindsay Lower
Girls Wednesday 7:15pm Lindsay Lower
U18 (2003/2004 Girls Thursday 7:15pm Lindsay Lower

Note: The U10 and u12 practice schedule will remain exactly the same once games are allowed to start, but for the other categories, the practice schedule may vary once games are scheduled.



The CURRENT sanitary protocols and restrictions being applied can be reviewed here.  Please note that as the Government and the City change the restrictions imposed upon us, we will change the protocols which we apply.  A popular question at the moment is “Will we have to wear masks for games?”.  We unfortunately cannot answer that right now, but we can assure you that if it not imposed by the Government nor the City, then we will not impose it on the players.



As already announced, we will have evaluation sessions for the U10 and U12 players on Saturday May 22nd.  The same protocols and restrictions applied for the practices will apply, see details here.  Masks are mandatory for all players 10 and up.

Category Group A Group B Field
U10 (2011/2012) Boys 12:00pm to 1:00pm n/a Terra-Cotta #3
Girls 12:15pm to 1:15pm 1:30pm to 2:30pm Terra-Cotta #3
U12 (2009/2010) Boys 1:30pm to 2:30pm 1:45pm to 2:45pm Terra-Cotta #3
Girls 3:00pm to 4:00pm 3:15pm to 4:15pm Terra-Cotta #3

Note: You will receive an email in the days prior to the evaluation with your child’s exact group and time.



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